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Progressive Sports Program

Evolving Skills. Enhancing Passion. Crafting Future Athletes.


At Da One Sports, progression is key. The Progressive Sports Program stands as a testament to our commitment to provide a deeper, more encompassing sports education. Catering to young athletes ready to explore and hone their talents, this program is about pushing boundaries and discovering potentials.

Program Highlights

  • Age Range: 9 to 16 years
  • Focus: Dive deep into multi-sport exploration, fostering a conducive learning environment.
  • Objective: To provide a comprehensive understanding of various sports, enrich game sense, and sharpen skills through detailed analyses.

Program Features

  1. Multi-Sport Exploration: Experience the thrill of various sports, discovering passion and potential.
  2. Skill Analysis: In-depth analysis to identify strengths, areas of improvement, and potential niches.
  3. Tailored Training: Athletes undergo screening, ensuring training is specifically designed for their skill level.
  4. Healthy Environment: Encouraging holistic well-being, both mentally and physically.
  5. Growth-Oriented: Fostering a culture of continual improvement, adapting to each athlete’s unique journey.

Benefits of the Program

  • Skill Enhancement: Comprehensive training focused on refining skills and understanding of the game.
  • Versatility: Exposure to multiple sports to nurture well-rounded athletes.
  • Team Dynamics: Learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, and communication.
  • Foundation for Future: Whether for professional sports or just lifelong enjoyment, create a strong base for future endeavors.


Karan’s Mother: “The transformation in Karan’s sportsmanship since joining the Progressive Sports Program is truly remarkable. He’s more confident and skilled now.”

Priya’s Father: “Da One Sports has crafted a program that not only improves skills but also instills a deeper love for the game. Kudos to the team!”

Join the Evolution

Elevate your sporting journey with the Progressive Sports Program. Dive deeper, play harder, and evolve with us.
